By SINGGIH Sabtu, 21 Januari 2017 crock-pot Thai-style pork in crock-pot and sriracha cole slaw Seriously so easy and tasty. I got the idea from my new lovely book - I didn't know my slowcooked could do that - and decided to make it...
By SINGGIH Selasa, 03 Januari 2017 chicken crock-pot saffron Saffron chicken in crock-pot I bought myself a cookbook (or five) for christmas. This one is called " I didn't know my slow-cooker could do that " and it...
By SINGGIH Sabtu, 26 November 2016 crock-pot Slow-cooked pork in crock-pot I sometimes wonder how I managed to blog so much in the past. Or even how I managed to cook. I feel like many of my skills are completely go...
By SINGGIH Jumat, 23 Oktober 2015 crock-pot Slowcooked Chicken Parmesan Soup I recently got a new crock-pot! It was sent by the Swedish crock-pot agent for me to evaluate, and since I love my old one as well, I was re...